I've become a hooker. No, not the kind you see on Aurora, but the crocheting kind. I have been knitting a couple of years now and tried to learn crocheting a little while ago. I remember someone trying to teach me at work in the break kitchen, and remember one of my colleagues slowly backing out of the kitchen as I cussed at the yarn and hook in my hands. It's quite different from knitting and most knitters I know dare not venture, though I do know a few who can do both. So I got
The Happy Hooker by Deb Stoller (of Stitch and Bitch fame) a little over a week ago and have become hooked, so to speak. I made the requisite swatches and decided to tackle a hat. I mentioned to Donn what I really wanted to crochet was a bag (for some weird reason). He, who has way too many tuba mouthpieces, mentioned he'd like a bag or two to carry his mouthpieces in. So I found a pattern
here yesterday and stopped at my new favorite and convenient yarn shop,
Bad Woman Yarn, on the way home, and made him a bag last night while he was out at band rehearsal. I sneaked downstairs and put it and a card on the table while he was getting ready for bed. It was a little large for one mouthpiece so I started another at lunch today and finished it tonight. Here they are:

I'll crochet another small bag, and he can tie them together and hang them off the lead pipe of his tuba, and call them Tuba Testicles! It could be a whole new line of products!
Just an aside - I realized yesterday I am becoming a yarn addict. I have been partaking in too much SEX (Stash Enriching Expeditions) and when I rode up yesterday, there was a bag of yarn on my doorstep. I couldn't remember for a minute why I had ordered it, then remembered it was for making a cool sweater I saw. Anyway, I need to get organized better - I'm running out of room!
It was Donn's turn to cook dinner tonight, so he baked a pizza. He made it special for Valentine's Day, as you can see here:

The heart is made of San Marzino tomatoes - they were very yummy!
Off to go pack for Orcas and organize a meal plan!
I can crochet, and barely knit. I don't do much of either though. I think you shoulda brought that nummy looking pizza to Orcas for dinner Saturday! Where's your report????
With a title like that it nearly made me want to buy the book, but when I saw the cover it was a no brainer. I refrained though. I'm sure my wife would question my intentions. Can't wait to hear more about Orcas. I wish I would've been there. I'm jealous of you all.
Hey Laura,
Check this link to your buddy in Eastsound:
Thanks Eric! The guy reeks of offensiveness in his profile! I wanted to send him a message (says, nicely, dude! you're such a c***s***er!) but you have to register to do that. Oh well - maybe I'll get Rich or Linda to since (I think) they visit myspace....
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